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lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

What is a cavity? What is inside?

What is a cavity? What is inside?

A cavity, two cavities, three cavities. Tooth decay is one of the few Spanish words from the dictionary, which is spelled the same in both singular and plural.

Let's look closely decay, so that you know, and you know at once learned, you have to go to the dentist for YOU DISCOVER THE TIME. Do not wait until you can see the in your mouth. When you feel you can see them or because they are too large. And you might be late. Everything can be more difficult and therefore more unpredictable and what worries most, more expensive, sometimes very expensive. So expensive is to restore a tooth? Why?. Think, think, think. First know, then think, then think judiciously. That is based on common sense, the least common of the senses.

If you need more information do not feel free to consult your dentist.

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